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The health and safety of our clients, employees and community is our first priority at the IAFF Center of Excellence. The current coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is being monitored closely and best practices to care for each of our clients are being taken very seriously. Our policies for admissions are evolving daily, with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If you have a question regarding anything below, please call 855-900-8437 to speak to an admissions coordinator.
1.) All weapons (guns, knives, etc.) drugs or drug paraphernalia are not allowed on campus at any time.
2) At this time, we are constantly evaluating COVID-19 hot spots across the U.S. and the unique circumstances surrounding these geographical areas, which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Some clients may be referred to local programs due to concern over high levels of exposure.
3) All new admissions will be housed in Station House 1 for the first 24 hours. All clinical programming, medical interventions, meals and recreational activities will take place in their room. This observation period will allow time to assess potential exposure risk to COVID-19.
4) All new admissions will arrive with a 24-hour discharge plan in the event they become ill (i.e. drive home, drive to a friend’s home, drive to a family member’s home). This plan will require self-transportation to a safe location, which will be determined and documented prior to admission.
5) All staff and patients will wear masks while on campus at all times. When not wearing a mask, patients and staff are to place the mask in a paper lunch bag or plastic bag that is labeled with the patient’s/staff’s name.
6) We have thoughtfully rearranged the kitchen and instituted meal “shifts” to ensure social distancing is being adhered to by patients.
7) We will continue to screen all persons entering the facility. We will now turn away anyone that has a temperature of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
8) We will be installing plexiglass barriers at each nursing station so nurses and patients can continue to maintain privacy and stay safe doing so.
9) We will continue to look at group sizes and make adjustments as needed. Please utilize our outdoor space when the weather is appropriate.
1) Nursing staff will check with all patients daily.
2) Nursing will contact the medical provider for the next steps based on symptoms and temperature.
3) The plan will be to test the patient for COVID before they leave the facility.
4) Patients will be notified of their COVID-19 results if the tests were obtained in our facility. Patients may be able to return to our facility following the CDC guidelines.
1) Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing or adjusting your mask.
2) If soap and water are not readily available use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
3) Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and mask with unwashed hands.
Please see our COVID-19 resources for more information to help your IAFF local, department and family.